Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Free Grand Slam Day

I braved snow, ice, cold, and the presence of TV reporters but I did it. I decided to take advantage of Denny's Free Grand Slam Day today.

I made it to the closest Denny's in Saginaw right around noon. It was later than I planned but I found out that was actually a good idea. There was a line headed out the door and down the sidewalk but at 6am the line stretched much further than that.
I had to wait outside for approximately an half hour for enough people to leave. A television reporter from the local ABC affialate was talking with various people. That's how I found out that at least 1 person just in front of me actually came from New Zealand to be here today.
Security people were handling the flow of traffic into and out of the building, which I noticed as I approached the building. I was eventually seated at the bar stools next to others who had been waiting for a while.

By the time I got my meal, another half hour later, more people left and others replaced them. I just went on my way and ate my Grand Slam. As you can see in the photo, it was worth the wait.

A couple dollars worth of tips for the waitress, and I was on my way by 1:30 pm. I should come back some time...

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