Sunday, January 18, 2009

Who let the paczki's out...

You can almost sing this to the tune of "Who let the dogs out" but probably not today.

I can remember a time, actually not too long ago, when we eagerly awaited the arrival of Fat Tuesday so we can stuff ourselves with plenty of paczki's and then wait a whole year before we can get them again.

Now, my local Wal-Mart has gone and spoiled the whole thing for us. The picture at left shows what I found this week in the sweet and fattening section of the previously mentioned store. And just how long is it until this special day arrives for us.

So what's next - the first annual Fat Tuesday Sale. I said this last night to some friends who were in the store at the same time I was. I looked around for a second after saying that and pointed out the first item to be listed in that sale - a "Slimfast" display conveniently placed near some more paczki's for sale.

See you next year?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I shouldn't ask this, but what I want to know is whatever happened to the chocolate custard paczkis? Those were the only ones I liked. Well those and the ones that I was able to get from this one baker that had no filling in them at all. Yeah, yeah I know that will bother some of you out there, but hey I loved them.