Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Ear - 2009

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas & New Year's Holidays. Now it's back to business, even after the inevitable 0-16 season from football's Detroit Lions.

For starters, I see that a food chain I wish I could visit has finally made its way to Michigan. A detnews article this morning mentions the opening of the second SONIC restaurant in southeast Michigan.

I've seen the advertisements on TV for sometime and the food looks good. The closest store I would have had to visit would have been in Indiana. They seemed very resistant in coming here until this last year. What I didn't know is that (the article points out) the company has opened 2 additional stores including one in Flint which is little over an hour away from here.

Sometime this year, I'll have to find the place and let you know what I think

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