Sunday, January 11, 2009


No this is not some announced new Star Trek show premiering next fall. Rather, this is a set of recently published Star Trek Novels that is probably the best I've read in some time.

SET-UP - The books mostly take place in the 24th century a while after the events in the "Nemesis" movie. Data is still dead, Riker is in command of the Titan and is accompanied by his wife Deanna Troi, and Worf is Picard's first officer on the Enterprise E. Mixed in is the next generation of Starfleet crews on each ship featured here. At risk: existance of the federation itself as the Borg continue and increase their attacks on the Federation and their allies.


As the book starts, we are shown (what seems like) 3 seperate missions. The USS Aventine, under the command of Ezri Dax (DS9 season 7), comes across the ruins of the Columbia (Enterprise season 4) on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant. The USS Titan is on a deep space exploration assignment and stumbles across, not a Borg staging area as they think, but the new homeworld of a reclusive race called the Caeliar. The USS Enterprise-E is in the midst of preparing for an all-out battle with the Borg.

In addition, we are treated to a bonus story of what turns out to be the Columbia's final mission as they too make contact with the Caeliar just before a systemwide catastrophy.


In this book, we learn of Captain Erika Hernandez's struggles in working with the Caeliar and with herself over hundreds of years as a civilization out of time. Starships Aventine and Enterprise join forces and spar over ways to get the attention of the Borg, who are laying waste to worlds across the Federation. Meanwhile, at the Caeliar homeworld the Titan landing party are trying to adjust to life at their new home while looking for the means of escape as is the Titan which is orbiting above.


In Lost Souls, the three starships finally meet up and start making preparations for the final battle with the Borg. Captain Hernandez has a few tricks up her sleeve based on her long experience with the Caeliar civilization and even involves the Caeliar in one of her plans. Meanwhile, Captain Picard is dealing with a moral dilemma in what he hopes is the destruction of the collective. Finally, a surprise as the crews learn a long lost secret in the origins of their toughest enemy ever.
All in all, this has been an interesting series of books to read. It looks like upcoming novels will followup with the rebuilding of the Federation following these devestating attacks.

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