Thursday, January 22, 2009

Geocache event - Changing of the Guard (01.20.09)

What else to do on an inauguration day, have a geocache event. Monkeybusiness and Foxgallagher did just that - have a Flash mob event that lasted 15 minutes (c'mon, seriously do you want to have a longer event outside with temps in the teens).

I arrived at the Midland City Forest just after 5 - I think I was first to arrive. Over the next half hour, others began to arrive though we layed low for a while. After 5:30, our hosts began to arrive. That's when we all started to congregate by their van. We all signed the logs, received patriotic lei's, and then visited for a bit before "door prizes" were presented.

I actually won something this time - a Migo sticker. And I got it too. As I recall, at the last event I won a special ink pen but never received it. I think the event host moved away shortly afterward (a common occurance in Michigan).

We posed for pictures (those are posted by others on the event website) and then we mingled while others started to leave. Some wanted to do one of the two night caches in the forest but the one they wanted to do was the one I had already done. They had felt that the other one was too far out on a cold night like this. I was going to do it before I later went to the parking spot and wasn't sure if it was a safe spot for my car. Oh well, maybe another day!

Changing of the Guard link on - must be a member to view full details.

A few of the pics I took with my cold camera...

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