Monday, March 23, 2009

Deceptive advertising :-)

I was recently putting the truck away at work when I found a box of peppers with this label...

Now I know very well that when I open this box I'm going to see a box of green peppers because this is what we sell. I can see someone opening a box like this and automatically assume they're going to find a box of red peppers regardless of whether they sell them or not.

So, what did I find when I opened the box?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The way they have the font style on the package, I almost think that big red peppers might be some kind of gum....
You do have to wonder at times what goes through people's minds at times when they name or advertise something. My favorite is when they label something as "new and improved". I mean what does that say about what I had been using from that company...?