Monday, November 17, 2008

Validation - of what I believe... (part 1)

It's nice to hear people out there who actually do share some of your viewpoints - especially when it comes from the media.

I was listening to the Huge Show (a sports show that airs on Michigan radio stations) a little while ago. Huge was talking about this "60 Minutes" interview with Pres.-Elect Obama in which he was looking for a way to hate the new president. He was pleasantly suprised by the down-to-earth approach of the new president.

Then he said something which I thought was profound from someone who's a radio guy (who usually are either left or right in their views). He said that he prefers to think for himself and not let others on the right or left tell him what he has to believe about someone or something.

Good for you, Huge...

I've tried the left, and I've also tried the right. Where I get into trouble is this: that I in no way can follow all of a particular party platform and believe everything they believe. I start to feel like I'm compromising myself in the process. I feel freedom in being an indepent person in my beliefs. I may have voted for McCain in the recent election, for example, but I'm rooting for success for the new president. My voting ticket included both Republicans and Democrats.

Take that, Mr./Mrs. Voting-Party-Line-Person.

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