Sunday, November 30, 2008

Some musings!!!

High School Football Playoff action
I've been working on this corner for 10 years now (11 football seasons) and my boss was a former Midland High football player. Never have we seen a sight as this. The recent Ovid-Elsie / Standish Sterling playoff game was held at Midland Community Stadium (adjacent to Midland High). The line going into the stadium was long enough it extended to the corner (by our store). Not even the annual cross-town matchup between Midland High and Herbie High produces lines this long even after the game has started. In other words, I think the two schools can learn something here (such as finding a way to make their games true community events).
Annual Santa Parade Litterbugs
The annual Midland Santa Parade has become an annual tradition for some years now. It starts at Midland High working it's way to Saginaw Road (in front of our store) eventually ending near Downtown. I've noticed it's a parade tradition to throw candy and treats toward those along the sidelines (esp. the kids). In past years when I was outside doing a lot check, I'd end up finding old pieces of candy along the grassy area in front of the store sometimes months after the parade. This year, because of the sparce grass along the street, I was able to find the old candy left over from last week's parade rather easily. I ended up counting 46 pieces in a rather short distance. It looks like the kids weren't doing their job picking up all that candy.
BTW - I didn't want to eat any of it. It had been sitting on the ground for sometime.
Shopping after Christmas (aka Black Friday).
First off, let me express my condolances to the family of the New York Walmart worker who was killed on Friday when customers to his store trampled over him trying to get in the store. It was an act of extreme selfishness and greed that fed upon itself when customers refused to leave the store because it was now a crime scene. I hope store video is able to identify all people in the front of the line and prosecutes them.
Second, the only shopping I ended up doing Friday was after work (milk, cat food, etc.). I visited WalMart whose business had slowed down after the rush of the morning. This pic was taken in the electronics section.

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