Saturday, November 8, 2008

Some thoughts... "For Better or For Worse" comic strip

The thing about Lynn Johnston's taking us on a trip down memory lane for the Patterson family is that this allows us to see and experience things we didn't notice (for many reasons) the first time.

Take this week's series of strips. The family has just adopted a little puppy they're calling Farley. The strip posted below is from today (Saturday).

Many of us that started reading the strips later on recall that Farley had a long and happy life with the Pattersons. Then came the emotional and controversial week of strips that led to Farley's passing while saving April (who wasn't born when the above strip originally ran) from a flood swollen river.

Thank you Ms. Johnston for reintroducing us to a classic...

Visit the "Remembering Farley" page on the comic's official website here.

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