Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This new blog is a continuation of my old one ( I decided on starting this new one after my month's long hiatus on the old one. A factor in the decision here too was that I no longer have the address I had the old account under.

Now starts some new adventures...

In the world of geocaching, I started a new series of caches yesterday. I managed to get two of the four in. It's called "The Coven" and takes cachers to four sites in the Midland area telling the story of some rather bizarre happenings in the early 20th century. Here's the story condensed from the 4 cache entries on Team Kobudo's pages...

"Local legend tells of a Coven of Vampires which once roamed the Midland area in the first part of the 20th century. Headed by a man named Theophile Laflame. The coven terrorized the area until finally stopped by Father Klos, An immigrant priest who had dealt with a similar situation in his homeland of eastern Europe.

Laflame’s family setteled in the area when he was a young boy. His childhood home was near here and these are the woods he played in as a boy. It is here where he was attacked by a local legendary creature called the witchywolf. Laflame survived the attack but was never the same person. After his death in 1913 strange things began happening around the Midland area and Laflame was blamed as a Vampire. The people say that these woods are where he killed his first victims and stored their bodies until they rose from the dead to join his Coven or became their food.

In this cemetery Laflame was buried the first time and after his defeat at the hands of Father Klos he was reburied in the same spot. You can still see both of their graves on these hallowed grounds. Father Klos is buried under the crucifix in the center of the cemetery and Laflame’s grave is in the back. His marker is easily recognizable and was purposely made in the form of a cross in the hopes of keeping him in it this time. No mention was made of the happenings in the hopes that in time all would be forgotten.

In the time of the Coven this area was said to be their home where they would spend their days. Inside out of the suns light, they would rest to wait for night fall where they would spring forth and wreak death on the townspeople bringing them back here for ritual sacrifice and the “feast”.

During their reign of terror Laflame and the coven collected a bounty of treasure and hid it. Recent findings show that it was somewhere in the area of Midland City Forest. Go forth if you dare, and search but beware, the coven would not have left such a vast fortune unguarded."

I thought the whole thing was fiction. Then I found their graves in the second cache of the series. I guess somewhere in legend is truth. I look forward to completing the second half of this series sometime soon (hopefully before snow starts falling).

I guess it's also an amazing coincidence too that on my way out to the first cache that I nearly injure myself. I nearly tripped over a tree root that was sticking above the ground but covered by fallen leaves. I nearly twisted my foot in the process that's all right but still a little sore this morning as I type this.

More to come I'm sure...

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