Monday, October 20, 2008

Lion's Coaching Crisis...

It feels like everything in life is a crisis right now. One more wouldn't hurt would it?

I'm not a major football person, but I do notice right now that the Detroit Lions are still winless in this no longer young season. Rob Parker of the Detroit News notices this also. In today's detnews, Parker suggests that current head coach Marinelli's firing is now way overdue. He uses the phrase "ABR" which means "Anybody but Rod".

Let me one up Parker. How about "ABAWLNSWM"? Which means, anybody but anybody whose last name starts with "M". Matt Millen's head coach hires for the team had names who started with "M" (Marty Mornhinweg, Steve Mariucci, and Rod Marinelli) who had a combined win loss record of 30-79 for the team. This list does not include Dick Jaroun who filled in on an interim basis in 2005 and Gary Moeller who filled in during the 2000 season. Moeller starts with an "M" but can't be counted because he was not a Millen hire.

Who should the next Detroit Lions head coaching job go to. I'm not quite sure, but how does someone sound whose last name starts with "A to L" or "N to Z".

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