Thursday, October 16, 2008

Phil's Daily Message... 10.16.08

As Heard on "Air1"

Yesterday, a report was discussed about people who "secret shop" churches. The corresponding story (here) focuses on the services of one Thomas Harrison. Harrison's critique of a church can include such things as the presence of "dust bunnies" and whether the parking lot lines are faded. One can wonder if this is going overboard. Now, I understand the need of a little marketing but what is the real purpose here? Are we trying to present a building and a service that flows neatly and smoothly and cleanly? Or are we trying to win souls despite all our flaws (buildings / people/ and even services)? Where are our priorities?

Think about this: a former pastor of mine once shared a story that took place at a church he once served. Seems a kid or two had their bicycle sitting inside the church and some people were compaining about those bikes. The pastor went over to one of the bikes, picked it up and scuffed it up against the wall creating a big mark. Then he walked away. Lesson - you decide.

Delta College - Midland campus

I had a delivery here yesterday. I've taken classes here off and on through the years, so let me tell you a little about the campus. When it was constructed in the early 60's, it started life as the "Regina School" an all girl's school. Obviously it hasn't been Regina for some time but many people still remember the school.

I personally don't remember when the girls were using the building. But there is one big sign that tells visitors this used to be a girls' school. This is not the sign in the front of the building that tells you about the history of the building. You can find this sign when you walk into the men's restroom. Here - there is not a single urinal in sight.

Today, I guess this makes everybody "equal opportunity pee-ers".

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