Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Road kill, yum?!?

As discussed on Air1 this morning, a St. Louis station reported that a Buffalo New York Chinese restaurant was closed by the local equivalent of the health inspector because of a dead deer that was being butchered in the kitchen. It was unknown as to whether or not the deer was roadkill. The dead deer hadn't been served to any customers.

Read the article here...

Obviously, the New York health department has never heard of the Travel Channel's Andrew Zimmern who would have a field day here (pun not intended).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Like many of you, I have to drive. Like many, my work involves driving. Therefore I have to purchase gas often.

I've been working as a pizza delivery driver for over 10 years now. In that 10 years, I've purchased gas from approximately $.90 per gallon up to $4.25 per gallon (earlier this year). I've seen it go up and I've seen it go down. Never have I seen it go down as quickly as I've seen it drop in the last couple of months.

Anticipating $5.00 earlier this year, I've been keeping track of just how much I've been paying.

  • 8-8-08 > $3.859
  • 8-11-08 > $3.899
  • 8-14-08 > $3.949
  • 8-19-08 > $3.839
  • 8-22-08 > $3.899
  • 8-26-08 > $3.859
  • 8-31-08 > $3.749
  • 9-05-08 > $3.749
  • 9-10-08 > $3.949
  • 9-13-08 > $4.199
  • 9-18-08 > $4.089
  • 9-22-08 > $3.889
  • 9-27-08 > $3.749
  • 10-3-08 > $3.689
  • 10-8-08 > $3.369
  • 10-13-08 > $2.969
  • 10-17-08 > $2.889
  • 10-22-08 > $2.689
  • 10-27-08 > $2.489

The only real benefit of these economic tough times. As CNBC's Larry Kudlow refers to this: an instant tax rebate from our government.

As one who keeps track of all these prices as shown on TV daily, I also believe there's room for prices to fall further. The prediction I'm using now is $2.00 by or before Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lion's Coaching Crisis...

It feels like everything in life is a crisis right now. One more wouldn't hurt would it?

I'm not a major football person, but I do notice right now that the Detroit Lions are still winless in this no longer young season. Rob Parker of the Detroit News notices this also. In today's detnews, Parker suggests that current head coach Marinelli's firing is now way overdue. He uses the phrase "ABR" which means "Anybody but Rod".

Let me one up Parker. How about "ABAWLNSWM"? Which means, anybody but anybody whose last name starts with "M". Matt Millen's head coach hires for the team had names who started with "M" (Marty Mornhinweg, Steve Mariucci, and Rod Marinelli) who had a combined win loss record of 30-79 for the team. This list does not include Dick Jaroun who filled in on an interim basis in 2005 and Gary Moeller who filled in during the 2000 season. Moeller starts with an "M" but can't be counted because he was not a Millen hire.

Who should the next Detroit Lions head coaching job go to. I'm not quite sure, but how does someone sound whose last name starts with "A to L" or "N to Z".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Phil's Daily Message... 10.16.08

As Heard on "Air1"

Yesterday, a report was discussed about people who "secret shop" churches. The corresponding story (here) focuses on the services of one Thomas Harrison. Harrison's critique of a church can include such things as the presence of "dust bunnies" and whether the parking lot lines are faded. One can wonder if this is going overboard. Now, I understand the need of a little marketing but what is the real purpose here? Are we trying to present a building and a service that flows neatly and smoothly and cleanly? Or are we trying to win souls despite all our flaws (buildings / people/ and even services)? Where are our priorities?

Think about this: a former pastor of mine once shared a story that took place at a church he once served. Seems a kid or two had their bicycle sitting inside the church and some people were compaining about those bikes. The pastor went over to one of the bikes, picked it up and scuffed it up against the wall creating a big mark. Then he walked away. Lesson - you decide.

Delta College - Midland campus

I had a delivery here yesterday. I've taken classes here off and on through the years, so let me tell you a little about the campus. When it was constructed in the early 60's, it started life as the "Regina School" an all girl's school. Obviously it hasn't been Regina for some time but many people still remember the school.

I personally don't remember when the girls were using the building. But there is one big sign that tells visitors this used to be a girls' school. This is not the sign in the front of the building that tells you about the history of the building. You can find this sign when you walk into the men's restroom. Here - there is not a single urinal in sight.

Today, I guess this makes everybody "equal opportunity pee-ers".

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This new blog is a continuation of my old one ( I decided on starting this new one after my month's long hiatus on the old one. A factor in the decision here too was that I no longer have the address I had the old account under.

Now starts some new adventures...

In the world of geocaching, I started a new series of caches yesterday. I managed to get two of the four in. It's called "The Coven" and takes cachers to four sites in the Midland area telling the story of some rather bizarre happenings in the early 20th century. Here's the story condensed from the 4 cache entries on Team Kobudo's pages...

"Local legend tells of a Coven of Vampires which once roamed the Midland area in the first part of the 20th century. Headed by a man named Theophile Laflame. The coven terrorized the area until finally stopped by Father Klos, An immigrant priest who had dealt with a similar situation in his homeland of eastern Europe.

Laflame’s family setteled in the area when he was a young boy. His childhood home was near here and these are the woods he played in as a boy. It is here where he was attacked by a local legendary creature called the witchywolf. Laflame survived the attack but was never the same person. After his death in 1913 strange things began happening around the Midland area and Laflame was blamed as a Vampire. The people say that these woods are where he killed his first victims and stored their bodies until they rose from the dead to join his Coven or became their food.

In this cemetery Laflame was buried the first time and after his defeat at the hands of Father Klos he was reburied in the same spot. You can still see both of their graves on these hallowed grounds. Father Klos is buried under the crucifix in the center of the cemetery and Laflame’s grave is in the back. His marker is easily recognizable and was purposely made in the form of a cross in the hopes of keeping him in it this time. No mention was made of the happenings in the hopes that in time all would be forgotten.

In the time of the Coven this area was said to be their home where they would spend their days. Inside out of the suns light, they would rest to wait for night fall where they would spring forth and wreak death on the townspeople bringing them back here for ritual sacrifice and the “feast”.

During their reign of terror Laflame and the coven collected a bounty of treasure and hid it. Recent findings show that it was somewhere in the area of Midland City Forest. Go forth if you dare, and search but beware, the coven would not have left such a vast fortune unguarded."

I thought the whole thing was fiction. Then I found their graves in the second cache of the series. I guess somewhere in legend is truth. I look forward to completing the second half of this series sometime soon (hopefully before snow starts falling).

I guess it's also an amazing coincidence too that on my way out to the first cache that I nearly injure myself. I nearly tripped over a tree root that was sticking above the ground but covered by fallen leaves. I nearly twisted my foot in the process that's all right but still a little sore this morning as I type this.

More to come I'm sure...